How is buying a tree at Swansons different from anywhere else?
Well, there are many reasons. Shopping for a Christmas tree at Swansons is a full-service experience: We help you pick out the right tree for your space and needs, shake and apply a fresh cut to each tree before it leaves the nursery, and wrap and tie down every tree securely for our customers. Our trees are sourced from WA family farms that have been growing some of the best trees in the country since 1949. Since we know how the weather is during the PNW holiday season, you can browse our extensive selection of trees inside our tree pavilion where they are suspended just above the ground in our unique "Spin and Pick" tree display system – allowing you to view each tree from every angle. We've also transformed our nursery into a winter wonderland filled with holiday décor and unique gift ideas. Swansons isn't an errand but a holiday destination, and one we hope becomes the start of a family tradition for every customer - big and small.
Why don't you carry Douglas Fir?
We carry Noble Fir, Fraser Fir, Nordmann Fir, and the unique 'Burton Blue' Noble Fir varieties because that is what our customers have come to expect. Uncommonly beautiful, natural-shaped, fresh trees that aren't your average "cone-shaped" varieties found on most lots. Learn more about our trees with this handy Christmas Tree Comparison Guide Infographic.
What is the single most important thing I can do to keep my tree fresh all season?
Water. It's the single best kept secret around, and one we tell all our customers when they leave. Our trees are freshly cut before they leave so they will take on water from the moment they are set up in your home. We advise putting them in their stands within 45 minutes of purchase and keeping their water basin filled daily. Never let the water level drop below the tree's cut end. Fresh trees sometimes wait up to 2-3 days to start taking up water, so don't be alarmed if your tree doesn't "drink" right away! Remembering this little secret will keep those needles on your tree through the new year.
Do you deliver?
Need help getting your tree home and set up? We deliver in a limited area. See our delivery zones and fees. To schedule a delivery, talk to us in person or call (206) 782-2543.
Are your trees more expensive?
We love trees and will not sell an inferior product at cut-rate prices, but we price our high-quality trees very competitively. Our pricing reflects our investment in our local growers and in the quality and service that we believe are indispensable to our customers’ shopping experience here at Swansons.
Can I reserve or purchase a tree online?
We do not sell or reserve our trees through our website but we’re happy to help you pick the perfect tree here at Swansons Nursery!